Initialize an embeddable component
We share our components as standalone javascript libraries from our CDN
Component Name | Description | Exposed var | Prod Url | Dev Url |
Own Lending experience | Allows you to offer loans based on transactional data | R2Ole | | |
Payments Plus | Allows you to leverage payments to your merchants through R2 | R2PaymentsPlus | | |
Config options
attribute | Type | default value | description |
auth | string (required) | null | The generated JWT Token that uniquely identifies a Merchant |
mode | string | 'light' | It will initialize the component using a light or a dark color palette |
Code Examples
For the following examples let's assume you want to embed the Own Lending Experience in your platform
- Load our library asyncrounusly, and make sure it's loaded before initializing our component, we recommend using useScript
- Iniitialize the component passing an existing DOM element as the anchor, and the config options
- You should manage the loading and error state from your application
import * as React from 'react';
import useScript from './useScript';
// if using typescrit
declare const R2Ole: any;
// make sure to use the right url according to your environment
const r2ComponentUrl = '';
export default function App() {
// Fetch Component library
const componentStatus = useScript(r2ComponentUrl);
const componentContainer = React.useRef(null);
const [componentLoading, setComponentLoading] = React.useState(true);
const [componentReady, setComponentReady] = React.useState(false);
const [componentError, setComponetError] )= React.useState(false);
React.useEffect(() => {
// Wait for the library to be loaded
if (componentStatus === 'ready') {
const r2Component = new R2Ole(r2OleContainer.current, {
mode: 'light', // or 'dark' if applicable
// our components initialization returns a promise as the Ready attribute
.then(() => {
.catch(() => {
.finally(()=> {
}, [componentStatus]);
return (
<h1>R2 Own Lending Experience with React</h1>
{componentLoading && <div>Loading component...</div>}
{componentError && <div>Something went wrong</div>}
<div ref={r2OleContainer} />
Add .js from CDN in your angular.json
"projects": {
"angular-tour-of-heroes": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"scripts": [
{"input": "<>"}
Create target element in your html component.
<div id="r2-component-root"></div>
<div id="r2-component-loading" *ngIf="showLoading">Loading R2 component...</div>
<div id="r2-component-root" *ngIf="showError">An error ocurred</div>
Create a Component wrapper
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
declare var R2Ole: any;
selector: 'r2-root',
templateUrl: './r2.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./r2.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'angular-r2-integration';
showLoading = true;
showError = false;
ngOnChanges() {
ngAfterViewInit() {
private initOle = () => {
if (typeof(R2Ole) === 'undefined') {
this.showError = true;
this.showLoading = false;
var ole = new R2Ole(document.getElementById('r2-component-root'), {
ole.Ready.catch(() => {
this.showError = true;
.finally(() => {
this.showLoading = false
Here's a simple way to embede our component via directives
'use strict';
* @ngdoc function
* @name embeddedAngularjsApp.controller:MainCtrl
* @description
* # MainCtrl
* Controller of the embeddedAngularjsApp
.directive('r2Ole', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div id="ole-container" />',
link: function (scope, el) {
var Ole = new window.R2Ole(el.get(0), {
.controller('MainCtrl', function () {});
Events and event handling
Our components may trigger events directly to the curren Document, which you can catch and do custom actions based on those.
Event | Data | Description |
TCS_ACCEPTED: "R2|TCs_ACCEPTED" | {"id": "EXTERNAL_MID", business_type: "Natural|Juridico"} | Triggered when a Merchant accepts charing their PII data. It should be used to send PII data to R2 via webhooks |
For better use all events will be exposed from the component class
const myEventHandler = (data) => {
// your actual handler logic
document.addEventListener(, myEventHandler)
Updated over 1 year ago